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International Thespian Society
Troupe #2484


Moon Area High School is proud to be a member of the International Thespian Society with a charter of Troupe #2484.


The International Thespian Society is the world’s largest honor society, recognizing excellence and achievement in high school theatre students. More than two million students have been inducted into ITS since its founding in 1929. Through their EdTA membership, Thespians have access to college auditions, scholarship money, and countless other young people with similar interests. Theatre teaches powerful life skills, preparing all Thespians for a bright future. Students benefit from pride, affirmation, confidence, and inspiration.


To be eligible for lifetime Thespian membership, students in grades nine through twelve must attend a school with an active Thespian troupe and complete a sufficient quantity and quality of work in theatre arts. A one-time induction fee is required. Thespians may earn additional honors for work done after induction. Carroll's troupe benefits last through grade twelve. Graduated members become Thespian alumni.


ITS keeps a permanent record of each student's induction. Thespian point records are kept at the troupe level. Correspondence with the National Office should be directed through the troupe director.

Benefits include:

  • Honor Society privileges

  • A Thespian induction pin.

  • A personalized membership card and certificate.

  • A one-year subscription to the print edition of Dramatics magazine (a $30 value) as well as the opportunity to renew that subscription at a special member rate.

  • A subscription to Dramatics Digital from induction through the year following graduation.

  • Leadership opportunities at the troupe, chapter, and national levels.

  • Eligibility to apply for EdTA grants and scholarships.

  • Eligibility to audition for admission to college theatre programs at the International Thespian Festival.

  • A certificate, a membership card, and eligibility to receive Thespian honor and graduation items.

How do I join?

Stay tuned for information RE: the 2025 ITS induction!

Core Values of the Educational Theatre Association
EdTA Logo

People Matter

Strive for Excellence

Work Together

Be the Person You Want to Work With

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